Ahlstrom-Munksjö expands its Wedge use to Finland

Ahlstrom-Munksjö’s Karhula mill in Finland has chosen Wedge as a plant-wide online data analytics platform. Ahlstrom-Munksjö’s mills in Italy and Brazil have been satisfied Wedge customers for several years already.
“Our problem was data sharing. There was a lot of data, but managing it was slow and cumbersome. I wish I had known earlier that such a system existed.”
– Anssi Kokko, Manufacturing Process Engineer
Read more about Ahlstrom-Munksjö’s experiences with Wedge >>
Now available: Wedge 9.1

A new, more versatile version of the Wedge process analytics tool is now available.
One of the most welcome features of Wedge 9.1 is DSA, or Data-Stream Analysis, which opens up a whole new world of possibilities for exploiting process data streams.
In addition, the update brings more than 80 other features and usability improvements to make your work easier.
Holmen expands its Wedge use to Sweden

Holmen Iggesund Paperboard’s mill in Sweden has chosen Wedge as a plant-wide online data analytics platform. Holmen Iggesund’s sister mill in Workington has been a satisfied Wedge customer for over a year now.
“Wedge has given us easy access to our process and product data. It is also a powerful tool for analyzing process data. This helps us in troubleshooting and working with process improvements and product development. Furthermore, it has made us aware of the importance of data quality, which is the foundation of and the key to our way forward working with digitalization and becoming a Smart Site.”
– Peder Hägglund, Technical, Project and IT Manager
The Iggesund Mill is one of the world’s most advanced, fully integrated pulp and paperboard factories. The mill has traditions that stretch all the way back to 1685. It is characterized by pride and commitment, and today around 800 people work together to turn the raw material together into world-class renewable packaging.
We are hiring: Development Engineer

We are looking for a new member to our Wedge team in Espoo, Finland.
If you can see yourself as our new Development Engineer developing our process diagnostics system Wedge as well as Wedge related new applications, especially distributed Big Data acquisition, Storage and handling Tools and Applications, don’t wait too long but apply now.
New customer: Holmen Iggesund in Workington

Holmen Iggesund selects Wedge for plant-wide deployment at its Workington mill.
Workington Mill is an integrated pulp and paperboard mill. Since 2013 it has been powered entirely by fossil carbon-free bioenergy. Bleached mechanical pulp is processed to suit the special demands of paperboard manufacture and is combined with purchased bleached chemical pulp into a multi-layered board construction which is ideally suited to the demands of modern paperboard packaging. Continuous development and adaptation to customer needs and expectations are essential for success in a highly competitive market.
Join the Wedge User Forum to learn more about the enhanced tabular report and other additional features

Like you probably already knew, it’s easy to create grade-dependent reports with Wedge by using the tabular report feature. You can select any measurements and any time period to create a tabular report based on aggregation criteria like the grade codes. You might also have noticed the limitations of this method: the report only shows the grade-dependent average values of the measurements, and the results can’t be copied for further use.
This problem has now been fixed with an enhanced version of the tabular report feature. The enhanced version enables you to calculate other statistical parameters like the minimum, maximum, and standard deviation values of the measurements.
You can find this and many other additional features on the Wedge User Forum.
Data transfers for greater value from the data
This enhanced version enables you to easily copy the results to other software for further use. This type of data transfer is important in order to get more value from the data and to share the process knowledge. Quite often there seems to be a need to aggregate process data and transfer the results to other systems. This workflow can be automated with Wedge’s DSA system (Data Stream Analysis) described in an earlier newsletter.
Split data reports
With a combination of Wedge’s data filter menu and this enhanced tabular report feature, it’s also possible to create a report where the data is split based on two aggregations at the same time, for example, grade and shift number. This is also a frequently requested feature.
Stay tuned for the latest developments
The Wedge team frequently releases prototypes of potential new features on the Wedge User Forum. So be active in testing them out and giving us feedback. Cooperation will help us implement the best possible features in Wedge that make your daily work easier.
Introducing ForestBioFacts – new digital learning environment

Do you want to know more about wood-based products, technologies, or sustainable forest management?
Have a look at the free Introduction to forest-based bioeconomy at ForestBioFacts website that opened today.
ForestBioFacts is the new digital learning environment for professionals and students in forest-based industries. Trimble Forestry has been part of the content production and one of the main sponsors.
We are happy to welcome you to develop your professional skills in forest-based products and technologies!
Learn more at forestbiofacts.com/
We are hiring: Application Specialist

Are you a person with an independent and active approach, problem-solving capability, and a desire to learn something new? And also, is speaking Finnish one of your superpowers?
If yes, you might be the
we are looking for to complement our Support team in Finland.
New Customer: UPM, Uruguay

The UPM Fray Bentos mill began its operations in 2007. Situated on the banks of the Uruguay River, in the country of the same name, it produces bleached hardwood pulp from eucalyptus. This year, the mill decided to procure Wedge to monitor its environment-related actions and also to improve production figures.
“The Wedge process-analysis tool was adopted very quickly and is widely used by all of our supervisors, the technical department, and R&D.”
– Production Manager Miguel Paolino, UPM Uruguay
New Release! The Wedge Data-Stream Analysis system

We are pleased to introduce the latest version of the Wedge data-stream analysis (DSA) system. Fruit of continuous development, it analyzes and synthesizes data streams on third-party system use, all fully automatically, online.
This opens a whole new world of possibilities for utilizing process-data streams. For example, Wedge DSA can be used for automatically monitoring process status, searching events, and vendor-independently communicating Wedge-processed data to reporting and visualization tools. It even enables analyzing data streams from multiple production lines and sites simultaneously, for benchmarking purposes.
The latest DSA enhancements
- A completely new Web-based user interface
- Enhanced calculation and data-stream management
- Auto-recovery functions to deal with broken data streams
- Enhanced monitoring and calculation-based analysis functionality
- Message queue availability for third-party communication
If you would like to learn more about how DSA could benefit you, please contact us, at wedgesales@trimble.com.