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Formica expands its Wedge use to Spain

Formica expands its Wedge use to Spain

Formica’s factory in Valencia, Spain, has taken a major step towards full digitalization by acquiring Trimble’s process analytics tool, Wedge.

Formica’s mill in Finland has used Wedge since 2023, and their excellent experience made it an easy choice for the Valencia team. 

 “Wedge is a powerful piece of monitoring and analysis software, and it will help us reduce variability in our processes. Wedge training has been of high quality, and we have already learned a lot about making better use of our process data,” says Jose Luis Escobar Palomares, production manager at Formica Valencia.  

Formica Group is a leading provider of branded, designed surfacing solutions for commercial and residential customers worldwide. Formica is the largest manufacturer of High Pressure Laminate (HPL).

Wedge improves the use of process data in Europe’s largest nuclear power plant

The Olkiluoto 3 nuclear power plant by Teollisuuden Voima Oyj is the first nuclear power plant to have acquired Wedge.

The Olkiluoto 3 nuclear power plant by Teollisuuden Voima Oyj is the largest electricity generating unit in Europe. It is also the first nuclear power plant to have acquired Wedge.

“In a nuclear power plant, safety and reliability are paramount. A nuclear power plant generates a lot of process data, and it must be quick and easy to study the data. Wedge makes this possible. Wedge also accelerated our commissioning tests,” says Jouni Silvennoinen, OL3 Project Director, TVO.

Teollisuuden Voima Oyj (TVO) provides electricity that is produced in a safe, economical, and climate-friendly manner at the Olkiluoto nuclear power plant in Eurajoki. Olkiluoto 3 plays an important role in reaching carbon neutrality by 2035, a goal set by the Finnish government.

Wedge User Days are now part of the Trimble Forestry User Conference

The traditional Wedge User Days will now be held for the first time as part of the Trimble Forestry User Conference. For Wedge users, there is a dedicated track called Wedge User Group at the event focusing on topics that will allow you to diversify and deepen your own use of Wedge.

The user conference is a two-day event. By participating, you will get to hear interesting user experience presentations from other Wedge users and receive tips and tricks directly from Wedge developers.

Time: September 10-11, 2024
Venue: Clarion Hotel Helsinki, Finland

More information and registration >>

Secure your seat today!

Note: All contracted Wedge users, please contact your Wedge sales representative for a promo code.

Major pulp producers in Latin America have high expectations for their process data analysis

Wedge is widely used in pulp industry

As of 2022, Brazil has been the world’s largest producer of pulp, and the industry continues to grow. Pulp is also the main export product of Brazil, with an annual value of USD 8.4 billion (2022). 

To meet the high demands of the international market, the pulp and paper industries in Brazil are making investments in data analysis and management technologies. With a powerful data analysis tool, Wedge, companies like Klabin are able to better monitor internal processes, quality control and compliance.

The use of Wedge technology for data analytics is also bringing results to companies in other parts of Latin America, such as Arauco in Chile and UPM in Uruguay, who are among the largest producers and exporters of pulp in Latin America.

Read more in an article by Madeira Total (in Portuguese)

Arauco expands its Wedge use in Chile

Arauco expands its Wedge use in Chile

Global forest company Arauco strives for sustainable solutions and excellent energy efficiency in its operations. Arauco’s new production line in Chile is the newest line to implement this objective.

The history of this production plant goes back 50 years, with the installation of Line 1. Line 2 has produced radiata pine pulp approximately since 1990. Line 3 (initially called Project MAPA) is the largest eucalyptus pulp project in the world and Arauco’s most significant investment ever, and it has an annual production capacity of 2.1 million tons.

To achieve its high targets for sustainability, energy efficiency, and impeccable quality, Arauco has been relying on Trimble’s process data analytics system, Wedge, since 2018. Wedge has been used on two plants in Chile, and the new production line will also use Wedge for its process diagnostics.

With Wedge, Arauco can streamline its processes and reduce the time engineers spend on process data analytics. By quickly identifying the root causes of any production problems, Arauco can now minimize waste and ensure the consistent quality and smooth production of its products.

Arauco produces boards and wood that are used in furniture, construction, and packaging, as well as cellulose to manufacture, for example, papers, packaging materials, and diapers. Arauco’s products are available in more than 80 countries.

Klabin expands its Wedge use to a new production line in Brazil

Klabin expands its Wedge use to a new production line in Brazil

Klabin, Brazil’s largest producer and exporter of packaging paper and sustainable solutions in paper packaging, expanded its Puma Unit in Ortigueira, Paraná. This expansion, called the Puma II Project, includes two new paper machines, and represents an annual production capacity of 910,000 tons of paper.

The Puma Unit has been using Trimble’s process data analysis tool, Wedge, since 2021. Wedge has helped Klabin with advanced analyses to identify and correct deviations and optimize production processes. Based on user experience, Klabin has extended the use of Wedge to the new Puma II Project production line.

In times when large volumes of data from production processes are made available online, the ability to interpret this information, combined with the speed and quality of decision making, are fundamental factors in maintaining and increasing plant performance. The ease of obtaining and processing data, in line with the robustness for processing calculations and advanced analyses, make Wedge a differentiated and fundamental resource for carrying out analytical activities,” says Elielson Batista, Process engineer at Klabin.

The Puma II Project was designed to become a global benchmark in sustainability, technology, and innovation, and it is aligned with Industry 4.0 principles. Efficient analysis of all process data is essential to achieving and maintaining the ambitious goals and objectives Klabin has for its operations.

Unleash the power of curiosity: The critical ingredient in data analytics success

In the data-driven world, discussions focus on technology and buzzwords. However, it’s easy to lose sight of the unsung hero that distinguishes true leaders: curiosity.

Curiosity: Your gateway to data analytics excellence

Beyond the realm of technology lies the realm of human curiosity, a force that breathes life into data analytics. While technology undoubtedly plays a crucial role in enabling remarkable feats, it is merely a tool – a means to an end. The real magic happens when human curiosity takes the reins.

Unlocking the secret to value in process data analytics

In the vast landscape of process data analytics, a curious mind becomes the catalyst for transformation. It is this curiosity that drives individuals to collect and analyze data, construct and validate hypotheses, and ultimately translate discoveries into actionable insights. Technology can certainly enhance this cognitive process, making it more efficient and providing invaluable support, but it can never replace the sheer power of a creative and curious mind. In essence, without curiosity, no amount of technology can guide you towards true innovation.

The role of culture in fostering curiosity

We firmly believe that curiosity is a universal trait, ingrained to some degree in most individuals. However, its manifestation is profoundly influenced by organizational culture. A culture that nurtures and encourages curiosity becomes the breeding ground for true leaders. In contrast, organizations that stifle this innate curiosity find themselves playing catch-up, merely replicating what the leaders have pioneered.

The curious mindset: A prerequisite for leadership

To secure a leading position in any industry, cultivating a curious mindset is not merely an advantage but a necessity. Leaders who embrace curiosity as a core value embark on a journey of continuous innovation, setting the pace for others to follow. In a world where imitation is common, it is the curious leaders who stand out, charting new territories and leaving a trail for others to trace.

Navigating the future with curiosity

As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of data utilization, let curiosity be your guiding light, illuminating the path to true leadership and innovation. In this journey, curiosity is not just a trait; it is a strategic imperative that propels us forward, ensuring that we don’t just keep up with the times but stay ahead of the curve.


Want more insights?

Our sales team is full of data analysis experts ready to help you. Learn more about Wedge process data analysis tool.

Wedge expands its language portfolio

We are thrilled to announce that two new language versions of Wedge have been released this autumn! Joining the linguistic lineup are Italian and Norwegian, making Wedge even more accessible and user-friendly for a wider audience.

Wedge is now available in an impressive total of 11 languages. Whether you prefer expressing yourself in English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, or Swedish, Wedge has got you covered.

This expansion reflects our commitment to breaking down language barriers and fostering global connections.

SharpCell selects Wedge to ensure consistent quality

SharpCell selects Wedge to ensure consistent quality

Finland-based SharpCell is one of the newest airlaid manufacturers in the world. They take pride in their consistent quality and reliable delivery of airlaid products for wiping, hygiene and personal care products, table top applications, household cleaning applications, baby care, and feminine hygiene.

To ensure consistent quality and trouble-free production processes, they have chosen Wedge for analyzing their process data. With Wedge, all process data can be utilized fast and easily to ensure zero waste, zero emissions, and minimal use of resources at all times.

Wedge is a powerful piece of data mining software and a useful tool for understanding our production process on a more detailed level. The visualizing process and quality data help us widen our understanding of the current status of where we are on all organizational levels. Wedge is also a great asset in troubleshooting, and a tool for minimizing process variance. All this is supporting us in our main target, which is to be quality leaders in the airlaid segment.” says Production manager Eero Ollila, SharpCell.

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